Tag Archives: Islam

Why a Christian mother of a Muslim Daughter fears the rising Islamophobia in her Country

In this poignant article, a Christian mother talks about how her daughter’s Muslim faith is making her see a different side of America: “People stare as we tell our daughter Alana goodbye at the John Wayne Airport in California. Alana is a Muslim, and her head scarf turns heads every time. Alana laughs to lighten the moment. “Oh, I hate airports,” she whispers to me. “As soon as I get on a plane, I know what people are saying, “Oh, God. A Muslim!” Read Full Article Here.

Opinion-Iran and the West should consider ending their estrangement

By Roger Shanahan, The Australian, May 9, 2015

“”In one Middle Eastern country, the practice of any religion other than Islam is banned, women are not allowed to drive, the screening of films is forbidden, there are no elections and last year 87 people were publicly beheaded.

In the other, religious minorities have seats reserved in parliament, and churches, synagogues and Zoroastrian temples to pray in, there are three female vice-presidents in the government, the country’s film directors have a worldwide reputation and one of its films won an Oscar in 2012, parliamentary and presidential elections take place, and the state does not behead people.

Yet the former country is a close ally of the West while in the past the latter has been labelled part of the “axis of evil” by the US.” Read the Full Article Here.

Book Review: Ramita Navai, City of Lies: Love, Sex, Death, and the Search for Truth in Tehran, 2014, 320pp

Ramita Navai’s deep look at eight ordinary Tehranis offers a window into the nature of the Iranian state.….It’s a bit cliched to call Iran a land of paradox. We get it, you might say. It’s a complicated place—but every place is complicated if you look close enough.”    Navai’s book  demonstrates how complexities of Iranian society weakens the power of the state by resisting attempts to impose change from the above.  Good book,  everyone should read it.