Monthly Archives: March 2014

Iranian President gives mix messages on artistic freedom

The Iranian cultural and artistic community was excited about Rouhani’s election in 2013 and had hoped for a relaxation of restrictions imposed during Ahmadinejad’s presidency.  But Rouhani’s record so far is a mixed one.  The minister of culture has proposed removing filters on Facebook,  but the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is opposed to any cultural relaxation.

American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein in Iran for lecture series

In a sign of more openness in Iranian academic environment,  a prominent American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein has gone to Iran to give lectures for Iranian universities and students. In an Interview in Iran,   Wallerstein  said he is not “ not sure what attracts people to my work. Maybe it’s that I’m an American, I say things that Americans don’t usually say and I have an analysis which seems to resonate in a lot of countries,” the 84-year-old Wallerstein said in an interview Monday.